$99.00 USD

Tax Season Prep & Execution

Automate, Schedule & Optimize Tax Season before you're in the thick of it

What you'll get:

  • 90 Minute Workshop Detailing Best Practices, Program Suggestions that are Easy to Implement, Employee Strategies & Client Communication Do's and Don'ts
  • Complete Checklists - Taking the Guesswork Out Of Your Planning & To-Do's
  • 2023 Master Timeline
  • Done For You Email Templates that take more of the tedious items off Your List

What People Are Saying:

Q: 'What was your biggest takeaway from this workshop?' A: "Everything! We do have a lot of good processes in place, but struggle with implementing technology to take the edge off of some of those processes. We have taken steps and are slowing getting there!"

Course & Workshop Participant

"It was very helpful just to hear it all in one place right as we're going through this process. We've talked about making videos of training but I wasn't sure how to make it available to our employees, that was helpful. Also the idea of email templates is something we're going to implement right now."

Workshop Participant